8 Home Inspection Tips for Sellers

July 16, 2020

8 Home Inspection Tips for Sellers

From your Friends at A B Home Inspections, Inc.!

One important reason why a home inspection in Birminghan, AL is essential before listing your property on the market is that it can greatly impact the sale. Getting a clear picture of the actual condition of your home helps sellers address major issues beforehand and price the home accordingly. When it comes to home selling, the home inspection could still yield surprises no matter how much you’ve kept a home maintenance routine. It’s a nerve-wracking position to be a homeowner but one sure way to have a hassle-free home inspection is to track down your to-dos. So, we narrowed down these 8 helpful home inspection tips for sellers to tick off their list before the big day comes.

  1.       Clean the house

You do not need to deep clean unless you have to. Never think that an inspector can see past stuff because they don’t. They are inspectors for a reason. A clean home shows how much you take good care of it and leaves a good impression on whoever walks in. Make sure to clean up the exteriors as well.

  1.       Be on time

Being ready at least 20-30 minutes before the appointment is what makes you on time. This way, you have some time to double-check everything without rushing. Next thing you know the inspector is already on your front lawn examining the exteriors.

  1.       Leave the utilities open

A home inspection is non-invasive but home inspectors are not just looking around either. If you are leaving during the inspection, make sure to keep all utilities – gas, water, and electricity – are connected. The home inspector will turn on the appliances such as stove, dishwasher, air-conditioning, electrical system, plumbing, and others. Leaving the house in a full operation condition makes it easier for inspectors to do their jobs as thoroughly as possible. Otherwise, the inspector might have to reschedule the inspection.

  1.       Remove clutter and blockages

The inspector will need at least three to four feet of working space. Remove any boxes, bookcases, shelves, or any furniture that is blocking the space.

  1.       Do not leave your pets behind

Putting your pets on kennels or a closed room is not enough. Make sure that they are out of the home during the inspection.

  1.       Provide easy access

Providing easy access to every room, including the attic is a must. Keep the path clear towards your attic, basement, crawlspaces, and every room in the house. Move all items away from the wall for at least two feet.

  1.       Never try to conceal known issues

It’s better to face the facts and deal with the issues before they are uncovered by a professional home inspector. Homebuyers are likely to pay for multiple inspections at different homes than jump at the first opportunity to purchase. Home maintenance is extremely important and among the basics are changing the furnace filter, cleaning the gutters, and checking if downspouts extend away from the home.

  1.       Provide documentation of renovations and repairs

No matter how small or large it is, make sure to provide documentation of previous repairs or upgrades on your home. It gives the buyer the confidence that everything was inspected and that you are not trying to hide anything.

The home inspection report can either make or break the sale of your home. It’s not a pass/fail examination but hiring a professional home inspector is a wise decision to make before you begin listing. So if you are planning to sell your property in Birmingham, AL we definitely can help! Call us now for your Birmingham Home Inspection. 

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Home Inspection Tips For Sellers


A B Home Inspections, Inc.A B Home Inspections, Inc. | Let this experienced Birmingham AL Home Inspection company help keep you from buying The Money Pit. We’ll alert you to the health or safety issues and maintenance needs of the home you’re looking to buy.

A B Home Inspections, Inc. will be your home buying or selling advocate! We are committed to providing you with outstanding service. We’re highly experienced and extremely thorough yet have excellent communication skills to put the entire house into perspective for you. If you’re looking to buy or sell in Birmingham AL, and nearby areas, we can help!

Owned and operated by the Professional Licensed Home Inspector, Jim Waddell, Chief Inspector, A B Home Inspections, Inc. takes pride in its commitment to following high standards and providing professional service to all of our customers.

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